Discover the best Ayurvedic treatment for weight gain with our HH Signature Treatment – Santarpana. Curated by Ayurveda experts, it offers Authentic Ayurvedic Treatments to strengthen body muscles, enhance nutrition absorption, and support healthy weight gain naturally.

Healthy weight gaining is a task for so many. This is may be due to ,bad dietic pattern body tendency,or lifestyle changes,but one can use supplementery therapies and dietic chnages which helps in gaining wt by healthy way. Ayurveda offers certian therapies which are nutritive as well as supportive to your other activities.


  1. Rejuvenates and nourishes the body
  2. Reduces muscle strain and stress
  3. Strengthen the nervous system & provide luster to the skin
  4. Enhances physical consistency
  5. Removes excessive doshas, which blocks the channels and helps in healthy weight gain
Threrapies Used - Santarpana

Dhum Pan

Sarvanga Navarakizhi

Anuvasana Basti