This Swasth Vardhan – HH Signature Treatment is fully based on Ayurvedic treatment of skin for a youthful glow. Meticulously curated by our Ayurveda experts, it includes Authentic Ayurvedic Therapies to promote vitality and achieve healthy, glowing skin.

Swasthsya swastha rakshanam aturasya vikar prashamanam ch” -preservation of health,prevention and cure of the disease this is the ultimate aim of Ayurveda. One does not need to be undergo any ailment of disease to feel refreshing or young. Because of busy working schedule it can be hard sometime to look after yourself and cant even recognise when we start feel aging. Maintainance and promotion of health is done by these therapy. It gives nutrition at all level from micro to macro cellular level and helps in aging process.


  1. It is a purifying and rejuvenating therapy designed to eliminate toxins
  2. Enhances skin complexion by improving blood circulation in the skin
  3. Helps in preventing the degeneration of joint tissues and wasting of muscles
  4. Corrects diseases associated with Vata and Pitta doshas
  5. Increase immunity, purify the body, and extend one’s life
Threrapies Used - Swasth Vardhan



Sarvanga Abhyanga