Raktmokshana is a process of letting out impure blood from the affected part of the body. Siravedh therapy is one of the methods used in Raktmokshana. It is an effective method of extracting blood by using needle.


Types Of Raktmokashana – Siravedh:-

1. Patient should be informed and insured about this overall process
2. During the process, the patient can be sitting, standing, or lying down
3. The band of soft cloth is tied above the area, from where blood should be let out.
4. Using the needle, the proper vein should be punctured and allows impure blood to flow out.
5. Patient should be observed throughout the process


Procudure :-

1. Patient should be informed and insured about this overall process
2. During the process, the patient can be sitting, standing, or lying down
3. The band of soft cloth is tied above the area, from where blood should be let out.
4. Using the needle, the proper vein should be punctured and allows impure blood to flow out.
5. Patient should be observed throughout the process

Treatment Benefits

Improve Mental Health

Improve Sciatica Condition

Remove Toxins

Reduce Burning Sensation in Feet & Sole